Monday, 10 December 2007

Hello Y'all,

Welcome to what is now the news division for model robot, a place to showcase our latest projects, keep up to date(hopefully) with whats going on and generally just shoot the breeze with links to cool...and not so cool stuff, that makes us happy. Very happy indeed...

So what's going on, as Marvin once said......well, we've been off on our travels to New York (some eagle eyed readers may have picked up on the slight twang) completing work for Hornet Inc. Across Europe attending Paris fashion week and meeting some loverly people at Fake graphics in Helsinki. Sadly we missed out on attending Pictoplasma in Berlin, which featured our Budding series...but hopefully next year...

We've completed work on our 4th (yep, count em!) BUG event at the BFI, creating all the animation and design elements featured and are currently thinking up what will happen for BUG 5 at the end of January...

We've got projects for Nickelodean, Kula Shaker and our Wrestling animation for Channel Four, 'Easy.Easy,Easy' to upload so I better get cracking...

1 comment:

Claire Spencer said...

Oooh, what's your Kula Shaker-related project? *excited*